Right of First Refusal for Employees When a Company is Sold

This policy would require that when a business owner decides to sell their company, they must first offer the employees a chance to buy the business. This "right of first refusal" ensures that before selling to outside buyers, the company's workers get the opportunity to match the offer and take ownership of the business themselves.

Why Is This Important?

When a company is sold, it often creates uncertainty for employees. New owners might:

By giving employees the first chance to buy the company, this policy aims to:

How Does This Combat "Vulture Capitalism"?

What Is Vulture Capitalism?

Vulture capitalism refers to the business practice where investment firms or wealthy buyers purchase struggling companies at low prices. Their goal is often to:

How Would This Policy Help?

Advantages of Employee-Owned Companies


By empowering workers with a "right of first refusal," this policy promotes a fairer economy. It encourages stable employment, protects communities, and discourages predatory business practices. The American Centrist Party supports worker ownership models as a practical step toward economic justice and long-term prosperity for all Americans.

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